Monday, October 31, 2016

"The Japanese Hegemon," part 3


Rachel and Elizabeth spent the next hour worshiping their Japanese captors' feet while learning what their roles in the new Australian society would be.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

"The Japanese Hegemon," part 2


Elizabeth, Caitlyn, and Rachel sat before their Japanese captors, Debuko and Chiyami, contemplating Debuko's words.  "You work for us now," she had said in her heavily-accented English.  

Sensing the confusion in her audience, Debuko added, "I explain later.  Now time for Inducer."  She turned and gestured at the door, and three soldiers walked in, each bearing a collar in his hand.  They affixed a collar snugly to each of the Australian models, who didn't dare to fight back, then left.  

"Good, good.  We begin."

Friday, October 28, 2016

"The Japanese Hegemon," part 1


Elizabeth, Caitlyn, and Rachel sat in the spartan room, alone and scared witless.  The three models had been dragged from their respective flats in the middle of the night and brought here by the occupying forces.  No explanation was provided - each was simply shoved into a simple room.

Once, it may have been a conference room.  There was a projector mounted on the ceiling, facing a bare, white wall, and there were divots on the carpeted floor, indicating the former presence of furniture. Now, it was clearly a cell.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Caroline Kelley, Asian transformation!

"Glam to Goth," part 7

Meghan and Alyse exited the bedroom and turned down the hall.  It was Meghan’s first real occasion to take in the greater facility she was in.  Austere white walls and floors were punctuated by brutalist fixtures and sculptures on pedestals, lending the surroundings an impersonal, almost machine-like air.  The decor intrigued Meghan, who made a mental note to replace the Monet “Sunflowers” print hanging in her room with something by H.R. Giger.  “The Birth Machine,” perhaps?

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Danielle Knudson, Asian transformation!

Danielle was having a hard time assimilating to her new home, Japan.  It wasn't an inviting place to outsiders, and Danielle stood out as precisely that.  Within weeks of arriving at Doshisha University, she found herself making big changes to fit in.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

"It's a gig, right? 2", part 3


"I love that you're into feet now," Shelly said with a self-satisfied smirk.  She was seated on the sofa of the apartment she shared with her roommate Charli, who knelt on the floor facing her.  In Charli's hands was Shelly's pale bare foot, now adorned with a toe ring.  Her mouth was agape; Charlie was ready to stuff that foot in there as soon as the word was given.  Whatever misgivings she may once have had about feet were long gone.

"It's a gig, right? 2", part 2


"All right, I did everything you asked," Charli said as she lowered herself into a chair beside her roommate Shelly, at the busy restaurant Shelly had demanded for the meeting Charli requested.  "I'm even wearing those Tevas you got me, just like you asked.  They look pretty stupid, I think, maybe a little dyke-y.  I don't get the obsession you have, and I don't really even need to understand.  I just need to know in general what's happening to you."

Saturday, October 1, 2016

"Glam to Goth," part 6

Alyse and Meghan spent several minutes passionately kissing on the bed, Meghan’s naked body lying atop her former roommate’s pale body.  All of Meghan’s hesitation - and restraint - was gone.  That she was a lesbian was no longer in question.  She recalled being straight, having boyfriends, even having sex with men, but those memories were so distant now they seemed to belong to someone else.