Wednesday, August 31, 2016

"Glam to Goth," part 4

Meghan engulfed a bagel.  She hadn’t realized how hungry she was.  It could have been days since she ate.  Just like how, earlier, she hadn’t realized how badly she needed to use the bathroom.  And then, just as Meghan began to question what was making her forget about her own basic needs, the thought slipped away, replaced by curiosity of her surroundings.

She first tested the closed door.  It was unlocked.  Meghan somehow knew that she shouldn’t leave.  A window in the opposite corner then caught her eye.

En route to the door, Meghan got a better look at the magazines on the rack.  Her glance was correct, the magazines did feature inked and pierced women.  She hadn’t noticed that they were exclusively pornographic.  Greeting Meghan were rows upon rows of women in various states of undress, coarse expressions on their faces, some actually engaged in sex acts with other women.  She experienced initial, palpable revulsion at the sight.  That revulsion turned to intrigue so quickly that Meghan found it jarring.  She willed her legs to take her from the magazines to the window in the corner.

Sunlight streamed through, illuminating the room.  All of her life, Meghan had worshipped the sun - sunbathing as much as possible, working on her tan, investing heavily in beachwear.  Those memories seemed like they belonged to another person.  Meghan looked at her arms, once almost caramel, now faded to simply tan, and felt … satisfaction?  

The window itself was small and horizontally-oriented, about eight feet off the ground.  Up close, Meghan saw that it opened onto a courtyard.  She was on the garden level, it seemed.  Wait, the courtyard had a ceiling, with a giant light shining down.  There was no sunlight in the room.  Meghan was somehow OK with that.

Her attention turned back to the magazines.  Her hesitation vanished, and her hand was drawn to the raciest cover she saw, which depicted a pale skinned, short haired dyke plowing a tan, busty cheerleader-type.  The dyke kneeled over the cheerleader and cruelly pursed her lips - black with snakebite piercings - while her strap-on penetrated the long-haired blonde, whose nipples each held enormous piercings.  After staring at the cover for a minute, Meghan brought the magazine back with her to her bed, to peruse.

Flipping the pages, Meghan saw images giving the cover’s context - the dyke standing before the cheerleader, the two passionately kissing, the dyke pulling off the cheerleader’s top and clutching her ridiculous tits, the dyke pressing the cheerleader’s head down to waist level, the cheerleader removing the dyke’s skirt and panties before burying her face in the dyke’s pussy.   Something about that dyke’s look and the way she took the cheerleader (who looked like a stereotypical straight girl) was highly arousing to Meghan.  By the time she got to the end, she noticed that her hand had drifted between her legs and was stroking her naked clit.

Meghan had a moment of clarity and tossed the magazine aside.  She wasn’t interested in lesbian porn - she hadn’t even had a lesbian inkling before this whole episode!  The enormity of her recent actions washed over her.  She had desperately wanted to eat her friend Stacey out but wound up sucking her toes, like a freak.  Why was she acting like this???  She wasn’t a dyke, dykes were disgusting; she didn’t have a foot fetish, only utter weirdos were into that!  And how long had she been naked!  

This place, or someone or something in this place, was changing her!  It was probably changing Stacey as well!  Panicked, Meghan checked all available means of egress.  The courtyard out the window was surrounded on all sides by other buildings - she was in some kind of complex.  Besides, the window was way too high to reach.  There was a vent, but it was securely fastened to the wall.  

That left the door.  Meghan pressed her naked body against the door, cupping her ear.  She heard nothing on the other side.  The coast was clear, it seemed.  Slowly, she gripped the door handle and began to turn…

...or at least, that’s what she intended to do.  Instead, her wrist remained locked.  She tried several more times to turn the handle, but her body simply wouldn’t carry out this direction.  Meghan broke down in tears.

“Shit….what’s happening to me?”  

She returned to her bed and bawled herself to sleep.

An indeterminate amount of time later (the light from the courtyard never went down), a still-disconsolate Meghan was roused by an energetic knock on her door.  Meghan felt only dread as she answered the door, naked but resigned to her nudity.  

It was Alyse!  At least, it probably was…  There had been some … changes…

“Holy shit, girl!  You look like crap!  Pull it together!  I’m here to cheer you up!”

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