Sunday, August 28, 2016

"Glam to Goth," part 3

Meghan couldn’t believe what she was witnessing.  There she stood - naked - while some kinky dyke who’d captured her and her friends had her tongue down the throat of one of those friends.  A friend that Meghan had known to be totally straight, in fact.  Together with Alyse, Meghan and Stacey had never shied away from bullying anyone who fell outside their social sphere, and that included lesbians.  Stacey herself had been the source of some of the more perniciously homophobic rumor mongering.  Yet, here she was, her hand lovingly caressing Liz’s face - a face that Stacey had belittled during college - while she bit Liz’s lip.  “Fuck, that’s hot…” Meghan thought to herself unwittingly.  She continued to stand there silently.

After a few minutes of making out, Stacey and Liz turned to Meghan.  

“How far along is she?” asked Stacey.

“Just started.  She’s been a real cunt, actually.”  

Stacey approached Meghan, still standing in place, and eyed her lewdly.  “She’ll get there.”  Stacey put her hand on Meghan’s crotch, just as Liz had done in the bathroom.  The sensation of Stacey’s nails on her lips and clit was intensely erotic, even though Stacey had shorter nails than Liz.  

“I love what you’ve done with your pussy,” Stacey snarled.  “What do you think of mine?”

Meghan’s friend dropped her robe, revealing her nude body underneath.  The absence of tan lines was not a surprise to Meghan, who knew Stacey tanned in the buff.  The tiny tattoo of a butterfly on her upper thigh was also something Meghan knew about - the team had all gotten tiny, cute tattoos there after graduation.  

The diamond stud in her hood was new, though, as were the opposing rows of three rings piercing each side of her lips.  

As soon as Meghan’s face registered that she saw the piercings, Stacey returned to her chair.  She sat, spreading her legs in the process, and beckoned Meghan.  “Why don’t you take a closer look?”  

One of Meghan’s closest friends had seemingly turned into a raging lesbian.  Liz had done something to them both, Meghan realized, right before deciding to ignore that thought and approach her friend.

“On your knees, bitch.”  Since when had Stacey been so domineering?  She was just a normal, happy, straight girl - not some sneering dyke.  And yet, Meghan was powerless to resist and crawled halfway across the room until she was face to crotch with her friend.

“Hold on, I have to put a stop to this right now,” Liz interrupted.  “You haven’t earned the right to eat pussy, slut.”  

“I wasn’t actually going to let her eat my pussy, Liz,” Stacey laughed.  She pulled her right leg back and rested the length of the foot on Meghan’s face.  Meghan could feel the soft soles and the metal of Stacey’s toe rings as Stacey slowly extended her leg, pushing Meghan away from her crotch.  

“You love feet, don’t you?” Stacey said to her friend.  At that moment, a light went on in Meghan’s head.  Yes, she did love feet.

“What do you think of this foot on your face?”

“It’s … nice.”  Meghan said, her first words all day.

“Hold it in front of you and tell me what you’re thinking.”

Meghan complied.  “Your soles felt good on my face. You have really pretty, long toes.  Your French pedicure is super cute.  I don’t really like toe rings but these look good on you.  And… I’d like to kiss your feet.”  

“Where did all that come from?” Meghan wondered to herself, before forgetting the question.

“What’s stopping you?”  

Meghan brought Stacey’s tan right foot up to her face and tentatively extended her tongue until it touched the base of Stacey’s big toe.  There was almost no taste, but Meghan enjoyed the smooth texture as she slowly licked the length of the toe.  Stacey and Liz watched, beaming.

Meghan opened her mouth and maneuvered the middle three toes inside.  While sucking on them, she ran her tongue in between and around the toes.  The slight metallic taste of Stacey’s toe rings, combined with the minor tug on her tongue as she sloshed around them, was erotic to Meghan in a way she couldn’t have comprehended a few days ago.  Neither she nor her friend had ever had a gay thought or a foot fetish, yet here Meghan was, on her knees before Stacey, prepared to eat her pierced pussy but “settling” for the chance to worship her foot.  

Reflecting on the change in circumstances drove Meghan crazy with lust.  Her toe sucking became more passionate, and she took Stacey’s other foot and rubbed the soft soles up and down the side of her face.  Her eyes rolled to the back of her head, the moment was so erotic, and she found her own toes curling.  She eventually glanced up and made eye contact with Stacey, who was tracing the outline of her own pussy.  Looking down, Meghan saw that Stacey’s finger had drawn an unmistakable glisten from the pussy.  The aroma permeated the room.  

Meghan was, by now, very curious about what that glistening pussy would taste like, but somehow she knew that she was not allowed even to beg for the chance.  She had done something wrong, and until she fixed it, she would be denied the joy of eating pussy.  Meghan refocused her intense oral needs on the beautiful feet in front of her, planting kisses up and down both soles before licking their lengths.  

A flick of match on matchbox and a cigarette was ignited.  Meghan didn’t have to look up to know that her friend - previously, an ardent non-smoker - was holding the cigarette.  Nor was Meghan surprised that this aspect of her friend’s personality had also changed.  The smell of tobacco was growing on Meghan, too.

This continued for several more minutes, until Liz abruptly put an end to it.  “OK fun’s over, dykes.  We’ve got shit to do.”

Stacey retracted her wet feet from her friend’s mouth and stood.  She and Liz walked to a corner of the room away from Meghan, who was left kneeling on the floor.  Meghan only heard bits and pieces of the conversation.

“Hair and nails today … how many more treatments? … can’t wait to get my tits done.”

The conversation complete, Liz left Stacey and returned to Meghan, still kneeling.  From the vantage point below, Liz really looked like a dark goddess, Meghan thought.  

“Come with me.”  Liz gestured for Meghan to stand, and the two left the room, walked down the hallway, and went into another spartan room down the hall.  In it was just a nicely-made bed, with white satin sheets, several racks of magazines, and a tray with some food and drink on it.  Meghan knew her gaze should never leave Liz, but out of the corner of her eye, she was able to see that at least several of the magazines concerned tattoos and piercings.  

Liz walked to the center of the room and turned around.  “I don’t need to tie you up any more, do I?”  Meghan didn’t understand the question and didn’t respond.  

“Good.  Enjoy your meal and get some rest.”  She left, shutting the door behind her.

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