Saturday, August 13, 2016

"Foot Fetishizer," Part 4

Amy and Steph entered Enfetisha and walked into their lobby.  Two empty leather couches lined the walls.  A tan blonde sat at a glass desk with no front.  She wore a short jean skirt and flip-flops.  Her toes were painted black.  Her left foot had, in addition to the flip-flops, something Amy had heard called a “barefoot sandal” - basically, a toe ring connected to an anklet by some gold mesh.  Every toe on her right foot had at least one toe ring on it.  The tops of her feet had various tattoos.

Amy stood transfixed by the door.  “No cold feet, so to speak.  We talked about this on the way here.  You want it,” Steph reassured her friend.

Steph guided Amy to the desk and caught the attention of the woman manning it.  The woman’s name tag said “Alex”.   “We have an appointment for my friend here, Amy Rodgers,” Steph said.

“I have you right here.  OK there are a few questions I need to ask Amy.  And we’re going to videotape your responses so there’s no misunderstanding.  And also, because...”

“Oh I know.  Good call.”  Steph responded.  “What were they talking about?” Amy wondered.

“All right, we’re set up,” Alex told Amy.  “Look into the camera and tell us your name.”

“Amy Rodgers.”

“Good.  Why are you here?”

“I’m here because I need to get over my disgust of feet.”

“Good.  Why do you need to do that?”

“Because everyone else in the world apparently already has a foot fetish and now I’m the loser.”

“Good.  Do you know what we do here?”

“I was told that you will give me a foot fetish.”

“Yes, we will.  And is that what you want?”

“I guess.  Let’s just get this over with.”

“Great, come with me, Amy.  When you see your friend next, you’ll be a whole new woman.”

Amy followed Alex past the desk in the lobby into an adjacent room.  There, they passed a sofa, and Alex motioned for Amy to sit in what looked like a dentist’s chair.  Alex reclined the chair, affixed an IV drip to Amy’s right arm, and placed a helmet over her head, covering her eyes.  “Count backwards with me,” Alex instructed.  “10-9-8…”  The room turned white.


Amy lay on the bed of the apartment she shared with her boyfriend, Josh, bored out of her mind.  Josh was on top of her.  He had been thrusting away for what seemed like hours, but even he didn’t seem into it.  It wasn’t just today, Amy thought.  They had been in a rut for a while, and though they loved each other, they needed to shake things up in the bedroom.  

So when Josh abruptly stopped, withdrew, kneeled in front of her on the bed, and said, “Let’s try something,” Amy was at least willing to consider it.  She didn’t stop him when he started massaging her leg.  “You know how much I love you and these long legs of yours, right?” he said.  Amy nodded.  The massage felt good.  He moved his body down a bit and picked up her right leg.  He kissed her knee, then nibbled it.  Gradually, he turned his attentions to the inside of her knee, massaging and kissing it.  It was surprisingly erotic to Amy, a little ticklish but very sensual.  She let out a satisfied sigh.  Josh continued massaging the inside of her right knee and kissed up the back of her leg.  “God, these legs go on forever,” he said.  He kissed the back of Amy’s heel.  

That got Amy’s attention.  “What is he up to?” she thought to herself.  To Amy’s surprise, the kisses felt good.  Josh moved his hands up to her foot and began to massage it.  “You know, I’ve thought about this for a while,” Josh said, looking his girlfriend in the eyes, “You have very sexy feet.”  “What?!?” Amy replied, shocked.  

“I said, you have very sexy fe-”

“No, I heard what you said.”

“Just lie back and give it a chance.”  Josh held her foot up with two hands and placed soft kisses from the heel to the ball.  “I’ve wanted to do this for so long.”  Into his mouth he placed a few of Amy’s toes.  Before Amy realized what was happening, he was sucking on her index toe and putting his tongue in between it and her middle toe.  Amy was shocked at how much the experience turned her on.  

“What the fuck was that???” she demanded.

“I was sucking your toes.  I’ve wanted to do that for a while.”  

Amy looked at Josh’s dick.  She’d never seen him so hard, not even when they first started dating three years ago.  

“I can see that,” she said lewdly.  “I kind of liked that.  It doesn’t bother you that I was walking around all day?”

“You were wearing shoes all day, and you took a shower before we had sex.  And listen, it’s just a fantasy of mine.  I thought you might go for it, considering that you’re always getting pedicures and wearing sexy shoes.”  

Looking down at her feet and strappy sandals on the floor, Amy didn’t have a good comeback.  It was summer, she was a girl, she wore sandals most days, her feet got a little tan, she even got pedicures here and there - all that stuff was normal.  Josh was making a lot of sense.  “Kiss this foot,” she commanded and put her left foot up to Josh’s mouth.  He dug in, enthusiastically slurping her toes.  It felt amazing - could she come from this, Amy wondered?

Amy tossed her head back and moaned.  When she opened her eyes again, The foot Josh was holding and kissing was much darker than before, like Amy had worn sandals every day of her life.  Shit, my foot looks good, Amy thought to herself.  She threw her head back again in pleasure.  When she looked, she saw a toe ring on the index toe of her right foot.  “Suck my toe ring off,” she ordered.  Josh did so, revealing a stark tan line.  Amy moaned again and threw head head back yet again.

Her eyes still closed, Josh still passionately kissing her foot, Amy realized that she was having a sex dream.  She knew what she’d see when she opened her eyes again - she’d be exactly like that woman she and Steph had seen in the cafe, just like Steph’s and Giselle’s and all those other women she’d seen in recent months.  The thought was an unbelievable turn-on.  Amy ventured a glance.

Her right foot had six toe rings on it, two on the index toe and middle toe, one on each of the other toes besides the big toe.  Her toenails were painted black.  Her feet were exceedingly tan.  A tattoo of footprints ran along the side top.  She held up her left foot.  It was similarly tan, with black painted toes,  A huge toe ring encircled her big toe, with two smaller toe rings on her index toe and another on her pinkie.  Numerous ankles dangled.  Amy couldn’t believe how fucking sexy her foot looked.

She came. and the room turned white again.


Alex roused Amy.  “Congratulations, Amy.  Welcome to the club.”  Alex extended an arm to help Amy up.  Still  groggy, Amy caught a glimpse of Alex’s feet.  She was envious of Alex’s beautiful tan and foot jewelry, and even a little turned on.  Her gaze shifted to her own, sneaker-clad feet.  Her stomach turned. She felt … embarrassed?  What an odd reaction, she thought to herself.  The two left the room just as the fog lifted from Amy’s mind.

Amy walked out of the room a changed person.  No longer did feet sicken her; quite to the contrary.  The thought of Josh holding her foot in his hand, massaging it, then slowly extending his tongue up and down her sole and between her toes - it was driving Amy wild with lust.  But it didn’t stop there.  Amy now noticed how fucking hot women’s feet were in general.  
How had she not noticed Steph’s size 7s before?  How had she not paid any attention to her friend’s long, pedicured toes?  How had she resisted throwing her to the ground and enveloping each toe with her tongue?  And more importantly, why was she still resisting?

“So Amy, feel any different?” Steph asked.

“Umm, totally.  Wow, this is a rush.”  

Steph started modeling her feet for her friend.  “How about these?  What do you think about these?”

“They’re really sexy.  Shit, I can’t believe I just said that.”  Amy lowered her head in embarrassment.  “What am I doing…?”

Steph hugged her friend to comfort her.  Amy returned the hug.  “Shh, baby - I know it’s a lot.  Getting your mind fucked with is, well, a mind fuck.  It’ll be alright.  You’re going to be so glad you did this.”

Amy and Steph made eye contact while still embracing one another.  There was a real spark all of a sudden, and Amy went in for a kiss, almost without thinking.  Steph hungrily returned it.  Seconds later, they were passionately making out and running their hands under one another’s tops.

“Can’t say this hasn’t happened before,” said Alex, a bystander to all this.  “Look, we don’t have another appointment for an hour, and who am I to stand in the way of young lust, so just go back into the media room if you’re planning on carrying on.  You’ll have privacy.”

With a mischievous smile, Steph took Amy’s hand and led her back through the door, the same threshold Amy had crossed the last hour en route to this new fetish.  In a daze, Amy acceded and followed Steph.  As they walked, Amy watched her friend’s feet in their flip-flops, the way the rubber hit the heel with every step, the glimpse of the instep right beforehand, how Steph’s pale soles contrasted with the ever-more bronzen tone of the tops, the numerous toe rings she wore on her long, slender toes, the immaculate black polish coating each toenail…

And then they were back in the room with the dentist’s chair.  Steph pushed Amy down onto the comfortable sofa and sat down next to her.  

“Let me help you with these,” Steph said as she removed Amy’s left sneaker and sock.  Amy noticed then that she had a sock tan.  She was embarrassed that her nails were unpainted - even clear polish would have been an improvement.  

“These are such cute feet!” Steph exclaimed.  “One quick thing.”  She reached down to her right foot and took off a toe ring.  “I know you’ll probably get some of your own, but I really just want to see you in one right now.  And it just so happens that this is one of my last adjustable ones.”  She placed the ring on Amy’s index toe.  

Steph then dived in, taking two or even three toes at a time into her mouth.  Amy wanted as Steph’s free hand drifted down her skirt.  The scene was unbelievably erotic to Amy, who took it as a license to touch herself.  After a few seconds, without stopping her oral assault on Amy’s foot, Steph kicked off a flip-flop and swung her foot to Amy.  

Up close, Amy noticed that the polish was immaculate.  She must have had a pedicure within the last couple days.  Amy saw that the toe rings were

Instinctively, Amy knew exactly what to do.  

“I am so fucking horny right now.  God, I love that you’re into feet now.”  Steph said.  “Take off your fucking clothes!”

Amy started to do as she was told, but then hesitated.  She and Steph had been friends for years, in a totally platonic way.  Was Amy really going to have sex with her best friend?  She’d never had a lesbian thought before - was she now bi?  

While Amy ruminated, Steph quickly ripped her clothes off and stood in front of her friend, naked.  Wow, she has a great body, thought Amy.  Perky B cups.  Tight stomach.  No tan lines.  And a shaved pussy.  

The hungry look in Steph’s eye made Amy’s mind up for her.  She quickly pulled her top off.  Steph jumped on top of her, thrust her tongue in Amy’s mouth, and unclasped Amy’s bra.  A passionate make-out session ensued

Steph lowered her head between Amy’s thighs and began to lick.  

“ I a lesbian now??”

Alex entered.  “Guys, we’re closing up soon, and, um, your moans are making me insanely horny and, uh, well, I needed a pretext to join you guys


  1. Hi George! I read your new (first?) story on mcstories, and I loved it very, very much! Thanks for sharing!

    I followed the link here and found out about your second fetish gothification. Pretty nice too!

    Can we hope to see a story from you soon that includes goths? I'd love that...

    Thanks again, and my compliments.


  2. Love this story! Can we expect more writing from you in the future on mcstories??
