“Um...hello, everyone. Sorry I was so rude before--”
M’li cut her off, addressing the crowd in Tineri. She gestured broadly as she spoke, pointing at times to herself and at times to Maggie. Eventually, the din of the crowd picked up, seemingly in acceptance of Maggie’s request to join the tribe.
M’li turned to Maggie. “I let everyone know you're here to become one of us. I'm vouching for you, white girl, so don't let me down.”
“I won't, M’li, I promise.” Maggie had conflicted feelings on M’li. On the one hand, she was the closest thing Maggie had to a friend out there, and without friends, Maggie wouldn’t make it. On the other hand, M’li had already taken advantage of that “friendship” to involve Maggie in sex acts she never would have considered under normal circumstances. Maggie decided to chalk up M’li’s actions to cultural differences and not aminus and resolved to continue to do what she had to do to survive.
“Good. Now, let’s meet everyone.”
Maggie spent the next hour or so being introduced to each person in the tribe. There were twenty-five or so women and just the two men she had seen the other night (no children at that time). Each woman insisted on a long, close hug. Maggie was still uncomfortable walking around topless, and each hug had the uncomfortable - for Maggie - effect of causing her bare breasts to rub against those of the woman she was hugging. Maggie certainly got her fill of feeling soft, huge breasts and giant nipple rings, though the women were quite welcoming. Maggie also got her fill of women pulling or caressing her blonde hair, poking her in her pale breasts, and pointing at her sock tanned feet, like those parts of her body were novelties.
The men were both very standoffish and barely spoke, even with M’li acting as translator. One, N’krzi, was especially intimidating. He must have been over two meters tall, even barefoot. His skin was onyx-covered, in contrast to most of the women, who had a more chocolate-y tone. His hair was a close-cropped afro. Both his forearms were covered in intricate scars. And his loincloth did little to conceal the mammoth cock underneath. Maggie, standing next to him, could see it in profile when he stood at certain angles and was aghast at the thought of being penetrated by such a thing.
“That’s out of the way, now let’s get something to eat,” M’li said when they had finished. She led Maggie to a part of the clearing where large stones were arranged in a circle. There were three large, woven baskets in the center, next to a pile of ceramic plates. M’li took a plate from the pile and loaded her plate up with the contents of the three baskets. The first two contained leaves, the second, some kind of meat.
Maggie followed suit, her reservations about the cleanliness of the plate and concern over what exactly she was eating trumped by her need to fit in and, most of all, her starvation. Her plate full, Maggie followed M’li as they sat on adjacent stones. M’li’s huge nipple rings rested on her thighs when she sat, Maggie noticed. Maggie also paid attention to cues on how to eat. When M’li began to pick at her plate with her fingers, Maggie took the opportunity to, essentially, inhale her food. She had never had anything so delicious.
“Whoa, glad you like it!” M’li remarked.
“It’s so good! What is it?”
“The meat is basically leftovers. We roasted a boar last night as part of our … celebration, and there was some meat left. The first leaves are from un’jaro trees. They taste kind of like a softer kale to me. The second are really cool. They’re called s’mati. It grows like a weed around here. They taste kind of like buttery cucumber. But there’s something else and them. Watch this.” M’li took a handful of leaves and squeezed them, then rubbed the crushed leaves over one of her feet. After a moment, she was finished, and her foot looked shiny and refreshed. “Better than any pedicure. Try it.”
Maggie took some of her remaining s’mati leaves and crushed them in her hands until she felt some liquid release. She then took the mass of leaves and liquid and ran it over her left foot. The feeling was amazing - the leaves left her foot feeling clean and refreshed like sanitizer or rubbing alcohol, plus moisturized. Her cuts and blisters felt better almost immediately. She quickly repeated with the other foot.
“Good! Now do that every day. You know, some of the girls here think white girls’ feet are nasty, but I think yours have some real potential.”
“Thanks, I guess.”
They sat in silence for a minute before Maggie asked a question that was bothering her. “M’li, how do you know English? And why do you have an American accent?”
“Well, that’s a complicated question. I guess it would be fair to say that I lived in America for a while, but that feels like a long time ago.”
“Wow - where did you live? And how did you wind up here?”
“Hmm...I’ll tell you some other time. How about you finish up eating now so I can show you something.” Maggie did so, and the women got up. Maggie followed M’li into a hut on the outer limits of the clearing. Inside was nothing but a pile of straw with a leathery sheet over it.
“What am I looking at?” Maggie asked.
“My bed,” M’li slyly responded, as she pushed Maggie down onto the straw.
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