Saturday, January 7, 2017

"Going Native," part 4

She arrived shortly after dusk.  In her approach to the camp, she could hear a steady drumbeat and wild, bestial screams.  Maggie couldn’t tell if someone was fucking or getting killed - or even if humans were involved at all - but, lacking any other options, she pressed on toward the noise.  

A campfire lit the scene when she arrived at the outskirts of the camp.  And what a scene it was.  While Maggie crouched in the distance, twenty or so Tineri tribespeople, nearly all women, were gathered around one of them, rubbing some kind of dirt on her.  She was totally covered, head to toe, including her hair.  The process was clearly turning her on, and she tugged on her nipple rings in passion.  As she did, a surprised look crossed her face, like there was something different to her breasts, but that look was swiftly replaced by pure lust.  At that point, someone dumped a basin of liquid - water? - on her, wiping off most of the mud.  She stood and shook off the rest, releasing her long black dreads and her smooth ebony skin from the mud.  She stared at one of the only two men Maggie could see, as he stood off to the side.  He nodded, and she walked toward him over some of the other Tineri.  When she reached him, she silently dropped to her knees and reached under the man’s loincloth, maintaining eye contact with him the entire time.  As she began to pump, it looked to Maggie like she was checking with him each time she escalated the encounter, seeing whether he gave permission to proceed.  When he grunted approval, she lifted the loincloth and deepthroated the largest cock Maggie had ever seen.  It was the size and shape of the lower part of the bannister at Tiffany’s.  Maggie was amazed that a man could be so well hung and shocked / disgusted at the fervor with which the woman sucked that cock.  

Then, Maggie noticed that the rest of the tribe had broken out into an orgy.  Throughout the clearing, women buried their heads between the legs of each other.  The clearing was soon filled with the sound of passionate breathing and moaning.  Maggie had never actually seen lesbian sex before.  The sight made her gag involuntarily.  Then, she noticed that several groups had formed where the women were licking one another’s feet.  With utter revulsion, Maggie watched one such woman take another’s foot - the same one she walked around on all day - and lick between each of her toes, taking the long-nailed, ringed toes in her mouth in turn.  The sensuality with which the licker approached her disgusting task really got to Maggie, and, without thinking, she muttered, “So gross…”  

Moments later, she was tapped on the shoulder.  She turned and looked up to see one of the two tribesmen standing above her.  His chiseled chest was covered in scars, mostly designs, but some recognizable shapes, like horses and women.  A stern expression crossed his face, a look made even more ominous by the crackling fire lighting him and the gigantic, curved ring that went through his nose, entering above one nostril, passing through the septum, and exiting the other side.  When Maggie didn’t immediately move, he grunted again, this time pointing away from the camp.  

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to spy.  You people were so helpful to me earlier and ---” Maggie started.

The man cut her off with another grunt, again pointing away from the camp.

“Yeah I don’t mean to bother you but I really need---”

The man grabbed her forearm.  His grip would certainly leave a mark.

“Please, help me ---”

He flung her away.  Maggie stood, but the man silently guarded any return to the camp.  Dejected, Maggie slunk away.  She eventually found a tree she could climb and got what little sleep she could in it.

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