Thursday, January 12, 2017

"Going Native," part 10

M’li led Maggie to the clearing center, where a fire was pitched.  

“Here comes Maggie, ready to truly join us,” M’li told the assembled women.  Understanding her completely, they gathered a few things and led Maggie to sit on a log on the ground.

“First, Maggie wishes to decorate her feet like a Tineri.”  Two women standing next to Maggie gestured for her to recline and hand them her feet.  Though she was embarrassed at how white they were and how short her nails were, she looked forward to having proper Tineri decorations on them.  The women cleaned the feet with s’mati, then began the process of fitting her toes with rings.  Maggie had elected to have the middle three toes of each foot ringed.  This entailed the women sliding rings of the proper size onto each toe, then hammering them to secure them in place.  The toe rings she had been wearing were slid up the toes, as accent pieces of a sort.  

When the women were finished, Maggie marveled at the beauty of her new foot jewelry.  Someone would need bolt cutters to get these off her toes.  She had a discomfiting thought about the tan lines that would be there if that happened.  Her ebony sisters had the good fortune of not having to worry about that, as their perfect skin wasn't going anywhere.  Maggie quickly dismissed the concern - she'd leave the rings on forever, so tan lines wouldn't be an issue. 

Wiggling her toes, she fantasized:  could she, someday, feel another woman’s tongue on her toes?  She knew that she had really just begun the journey to having feet sexy enough to attract another, and she knew that her white skin would be an ongoing deterrent, but perhaps she could one day experience her foot fetish from the receiving side.  

“Now, Maggie wishes to be pierced like a Tineri,” M’li announced.  The women produced a couple plates of light green leaves they called fl’upsli, which they mashed with a mortar and pestle.  At the same time, M’li produced a set of thin metal spikes.  With tongs, she held them each over the fire for a minute, then dropped them in a basin of water.

When they were ready, copious amounts of the pale leaves were rubbed onto Maggie’s nose and her nipples.  The herbs stung initially, then left the affected area cool and numb.  Maggie gathered that they were antiseptics and local anesthesia.  Once the ladies were satisfied that sufficient fl’upsli had been applied, M’li began.

She took a needle from the basin, where it has been cooling, and lined it up with Maggie’s right nipple.  It was thin, much thinner than the rods and rings hanging from the nipples of the other Tineri women.  Maggie wondered how she would fit the large metal piercings she wanted into the small hole to be rendered by the needle.

The thought vanished as M’li drove the needle through Maggie’s nipple and left it in.  The pain was exceptional.  Unexpectedly, Maggie’s shallow breathing turned into pique.  She found that the experience had left her with a desperate desire to masturbate, though she resisted while the other women were there.

Another sharp pain followed.  M’li had pierced the other nipple with another thin needle and left it it.  A couple drops of blood flowed from each nipple.

“Good, my love,” M’li said.  “We will let those heal for a few days, then we will stretch your holes out until we can fit rings the size you want in them.”

She then grabbed a third needle and positioned it slightly above Maggie’s nostril.  “This will hurt.  We haven’t numbed your septum.  Shall I still go through with it?”

“Please...yes.  I want it so b--”

M’li cut her off, plunging the needle through one nostril, the septum, and out the other side.  Maggie’s eyes watered, and the pain was incredible, but she had a rod through her nose, just like all the other Tineri women.  The thought was an incredible turn-on.  

Some blood flowed down her nostrils, reminding Maggie of the nose job on which her parents had spent a small fortune.  Maggie laughed, wishing she could go back in time and get the plastic surgeon to give her a wide, flat nose like the gorgeous African noses of her fellow Tineri.

“M’li, could you please also pierce my septum and nostil?” Maggie asked.  Her friend happily complied.

“Thank you, M’li.  These piercings are all so beautiful.”

“Yes, love.  You are now marked like a Tineri woman should be.”

That was true.  Certainly by the time she had stretched out each of these holes, there would be no concealing her modifications.  

Maggie stood, feeling accomplished.

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