The three Tineri returned home, having collected the necessary provisions. As they entered the clearing, N’krzi yelled, “RIPRASHA TONIGHT!” The rest of the tribe, who had been sitting in their huts or around the clearing, perked up.
“Is she ready?” M’li asked.
N’krzi looked Maggie up and down, like a cat sizing up a mouse. “Yes, she’s ready.”
Sensing the moment, Maggie sidled up to N’krzi. “I can’t wait,” she said, reaching underneath his loincloth to tease his cock. “You’re fucking me tonight, and I won’t take no for an answer.” She licked her thin lips lewdly at the onyx-colored tribesman.
“Yes, Maggie. After riprasha.” N’krzi turned away and left to build a fire.
M’li grabbed Maggie’s hands, rapt with glee. “This is so exciting! I can’t believe we’re having riprasha tonight! It took months before I was ready!”
“I can’t wait to be Tineri!”
The girls left to get ready. Maggie and M’li were responsible for mixing together some special mud. The task entailed painstakingly pulling certain of the leaves from the plants they had collected and mixing them with soil from the grounds and water from the brook, chanting the whole time a series of words that Maggie couldn’t understand. While they worked, the tribe bustled with activity, men assisting N’krzi with the fire and moving the tribe’s drums into position, and women painting each other in ornate patterns.
Finally, Maggie had a moment to rest, right before riprasha began. She turned to M’li. “So, you went through this. What exactly is going to happen?”
“It’s wonderful. We’re going to make you Tineri, forever.”
“Yeah, I know. But what does the ceremony consist of?”
Nearby drums began to beat.
“Heh, that’s the first part. The drums are the signal. Let’s go!” She took Maggie by the wrist and led her to the center of the clearing.
The tribe was all assembled. Four or five beat on gigantic drums, while the rest stood around. It was times like this, with everyone else around, that reminded Maggie that she was different - her skin and hair were different from everyone else’s. Being around so many amazing black boobs had a tendency to make her self-conscious about her comparatively small ones. But tonight would spell the end of those concerns, Maggie hoped. Mentally, she felt she was already Tineri. After riprasha, she would be accepted into the tribe, and everyone could just move beyond the superficial differences she had with everyone else.
The sun was about to set, but N’krzi had built a mighty fire. He looked so hot standing there, arms crossed, Maggie thought. Her mind wandered to her post-riprasha celebration. Could she even handle such a mighty cock, she half-wondered?
“Tineri, Maggie here is ready to become one of us!” N’krzi called out. The tribe raised their arms triumphantly, yelling like they had just won the Super Bowl. “M’li, please get Maggie ready.”
A smile on her face, M’li began to coat Maggie in the mud they had prepared. It was cool at first but soon turned warm. Meanwhile, the rest of the tribe began to move to the beat of the drums. Women soon started to kiss one another and feel each other’s breasts. More than one couple fell to the ground around Maggie to have sex. An orgy was breaking out around her, and Maggie couldn’t wait to join in.
M’li applied the mud to Maggie’s pussy. It was the first time anyone else had touch her there in months, and Maggie moaned audibly. The whole process was getting very arousing.
“Last time we’ll be seeing these…” M’li said, putting the mud on the thin layer of blonde pubes over Maggie’s crotch before continuing to the rest of the body.
Maggie didn’t know what was in store, but she understood that this was the culmination of her time with the Tineri. After that, she wouldn’t be treated any differently than the rest of the tribe. The thought excited her very much.
“Wonder what’s going to happen here?” M’li asked rhetorically as she rubbed the mud over Maggie’s tits.
Maggie was caught up in the drumbeat and her sopping pussy. Thoughts of fucking N’krzi and everyone else in the tribe flashed across her mind.
“Can’t wait to see what this looks like,” M’li said in the course of covering Maggie’s blonde locks with the mud.
By now, Maggie’s pussy was a geyser. The drums, the sounds of sex all around her, her friend touching her so intimately - it was overwhelming. In a flash, she had a vision - a mop of blonde hair perched atop a nubian pussy, reaching up to tug longingly on the ring that passed through the huge black cans, and using her other hand to play with herself.
“Little thin,” M’li said as she put mud over Maggie’s lips. “Here too,” coating the nose. “Close those baby blues for me, love.”
With that, Maggie was encased in the mud.
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