Maggie could feel her entire body changing under the mud, a very disorienting process. She could also feel the hands of her fellow Tineri all over her. That, along with the noise outside, reassured Maggie that she at least was surrounded by friends, but she knew she had to undergo this ordeal alone.
In a short amount of time, she felt a tingling sensation all over her body. That persisted throughout her body and intensified in certain parts. A dull ache in her chest and hips turned momentarily into sharp pain, like her body was stretching. She could actually feel her skin shift and her eyes, nose, and lips alter. She could no longer feel her blonde hair on her back. And something was happening with her pubic region.
Within minutes, she could tell that she was different. Splash - a bucket of water hit her head, wiping away the mud from that area. Maggie shook her head free of the water and mud and, amazingly, didn't feel her long blonde hair move at all. She freed a muddy hand and reached up, only to feel a thick mass of curls. Kinky curls. Pulling one down in front of her eyes, Maggie saw that it was black colored. She shook her head and could feel the volume of hair. Long, straight blonde hair - which she used to consider one of her most attractive characteristics - had been replaced by a black, kinky, frizzy, afro. Shaking her head again, her afro unfurled to its full length - over two feet across.
Maggie was so elated she was in disbelief. Slowly, she felt her face. The huge piercings in her nose and septum were still there, thankfully, but her bone structure was different. The petite nose her parents had bought her had given way to a wider, flatter, more traditionally-African nose. She traced the outline of a now-huge nostril with delight. Likewise, her lips, which had been thin, in keeping with her Anglo-Saxon heritage, were much fuller.
More water knocked the mud off Maggie’s arms and chest. By the light of the campfire, she could see for the first time that her skin - formerly about as bronze as a Caucasian can get - was now decidedly, undeniably, beautifully black. Not olive, not mocha - she was a black woman now. Equally important, her Caucasian breasts - perky B cups that could barely sustain the enormous piercings Maggie insisted upon in her nipples - were gone, upgraded to chocolate mounds so big they flopped to the side and down her abdomen. Maggie guessed she was now a DD cup (that is, she would be, if she were ever to wear a top again). The nipple rings she loved were still there but we're now attached to huge, beautiful, dark nipples, themselves attached to gloriously big areolas.
By now, Maggie was leaking uncontrollably from her pussy, driven mad with lust. She grabbed a nipple ring with one of her newly-black hands and bellowed, the exquisite scars running up her arm looking amazing on her black skin.
A final gush of water removed the rest of the mud. Maggie’s hips had widened, and she knew she was now the proud owner of a big black ass. She could see that her light blonde pubic hair had been replaced with a smattering of dark curls. Looking down her sexy, black legs, Maggie saw that the long toenails she had cultivated and the series of toe rings she had come to love were now attached to stunning ebony feet. Turning her foot sidewise, Maggie enjoyed looking at the contrast between her now-black tops and the peach colored soles.
She stood and put her loincloth back on. She was now, and forever, truly Tineri. No one outside the tribe would ever know that she had once been a blonde American girl.
The drums and orgy continued, even as the rest of the Tineri took in the new beauty of Maggie. It was high time for her to address her horniness.
Maggie stood and walked over to N’krzi. She met his intense gaze with one of her own. Without a word, Maggie reached under his loincloth, intent on drawing out that magnificent cock. He maintained his piercing stare as he began to fondle her now-atramentous tits. He was hard within seconds. Eyes locked, she lay down and spread her legs, ready to be impaled.
N’krzi didn’t disappoint. She could feel his member teasing her pussy lips. Her kinky pubes felt extra sensitive. Soon, he was inside her. The first thrust was slow, and just kept going. It felt like he was inserting himself for minutes, even though only a few moments passed in reality. Her tight, formerly-white pussy had never been filled like this before, and N’krzi had to ready her. Her exterior had been changed by the Tineri’s magic; now, N’krzi was changing her insides. Specifically, her cunt. She could feel her pussy lips stretch to allow him entrance and her innards rearrange to accommodate his length. The dicks she’d had before would get lost in the expanse that N’krzi had turned her genitals into. But that was good - she was now perfectly adapted to fuck Tineri men, and there was no reason ever to plan for a contingency where she might have to fuck a less-endowed man.
After a few test thrusts, N’krzi settled into a rhythm and began driving himself into her, like a piston. Maggie didn’t know sexual pleasure like this was possible. She exploded in orgasm several times while he fucked her, and her howling cries rang out in the jungle night.
All around them, the orgy raged on. A’rin, at one point, lowered her bush onto Maggie’s face. Maggie was only too happy to devour the pussy before her.
At another point, M’li began to suck Maggie’s toes. The sensation was phenomenal. After spending so much time worshipping the feet of her fellow tribeswomen, it felt amazing to be on the receiving end of foot play. M’li was very skilled as well, deftly running her tongue between Maggie’s dark toes and around her toe rings, and even up and down her soles.
N’krzi continued to assail Maggie’s pussy. From his grunting, she could tell that he was close, and she couldn’t wait to feel his seed inside her. She wondered what would happen if she got pregnant - would the kid be half-white? - but dismissed the thought, realizing that they could always hold a riprasha for the child to correct that kind of defect. A final grunt accompanied N’krzi’s last thrust, and she shot rope after rope into her grateful cunt.
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