Maggie’s evolving position on her own feet was mirrored in her enthusiasm for the foot fetish acts she performed. When she was new to the tribe, before her feet had tanned and widened, and long before she began wearing toe rings herself, she dreaded the point each night when M’li would put one of her feet in Maggie’s hands. Over time, though, she gained an appreciation of the fact that feet can be cute, and that appreciation extended to M’li’s feet. Maggie noticed that M’li had long, slender toes, for instance, and that her feet always smelled like cut grass, and these things helped Maggie find it more palatable to suck M’li’s toes. She still wasn’t interested in feet sexually, she told herself, but these were objectively pretty feet, and besides, it wasn’t like she had a choice.
The lesbian sex acts were worse. Maggie had no lesbian leanings prior to her time with the Tineri, and (she told herself) she still didn’t. Even as she became quite adept at finding M’li’s G-spot with her finger while nibbling on her clit and delicately tugging on one of her nipple rings, Maggie refused to let herself enjoy it. She was straight, and she would return to her lesbian sex-free life as soon as she could get home.
Not only was she not attracted to women, but M’li didn’t even have the courtesy to return the favor once in a while. She liked Maggie, but she couldn’t bring herself to eat out a white girl, she said.
Overall, despite her reservations, Maggie was acclimating to tribal life well. The safari outfit-clad girl had been replaced by a topless girl in a loincloth. Instead of boots, she wore toe rings on bare feet. And a girl who had never even kissed a girl was now at another girl’s sexual beck and call.
One day, though, the facade cracked. N’krzi confronted her at mealtime. He had never warmed to her, and here, he accused her of leading everyone on, of refusing to join the tribe. Despite the ultimate truth of his comments, Maggie denied them. She pointed out the fact that she spoke the Tineri language now, but N’krzi was unimpressed - she would go home and never speak it again. She pointed out what she was wearing, but N’krzi was, again, unimpressed, calling her a skinny, ugly white woman. She had no piercings, she hadn’t decorated her skin like the rest of the tribe, and her hair was hideously light colored and straight. A hush fell over the tribe while N’krzi was verbally abusing her.
Thoughts flashed through Maggie’s mind - He was such a bully! He was so unfair! He was so...hot?
Maggie ran back to the hut.
Minutes later, M’li joined her, hoping to provide some consolation. “N’krzi is an idiot,” she told her friend as she sat with her on the bed.
“I don’t know why I’m so upset… he hasn’t said two words to me since I got here… And all I’ve done to fit in! Look at me! Look at what I’m wearing!”
“Shhh...I know. You’re doing your best.” M’li stroked Maggie’s head for a while. When Maggie’s sobbing subsided, M’li wanted to redirect Maggie’s energy somewhere more production and so, gave her her feet to play with.
Maggie began dutifully licking M’li’s soles. She was quite good at it by now, for a girl without a foot fetish.
The mood in the hut calmed down over time, and M’li spoke. “Maggie - I’ve been meaning to tell you. We’ve got the riprasha coming up soon.”
Removing the soft foot from her mouth, Maggie asked, “What’s that?”
“It’s a celebration. And an opportunity.”
“An opportunity for what?” Maggie said.
“To truly become Tineri.” M’li slid a hand between her legs.
Maggie knew she couldn’t say know, whatever this entailed. “Sure, sounds good.” M’li gestured, and Maggie went back to sucking her toes.
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