Erica made sure to show up early for her first modeling gig. When she entered the nondescript building about an hour from her college, she went up to seemingly the only person there, a tall, thin, boyish woman with short hair. Her skin was pale, with tattoos creeping out of the sleeves of her shirt. On her feet were Teva sandals and, incongruously, a toe ring. "Name?" the woman asked. Erica provided her name and, when prompted, contact information. The woman handed Erica a green bikini and a questionnaire to complete before the shoot would begin.
"Piercings? Tattoos? Smoker? Bust size? Sexual orientation? Any fetishes? What kind of questions are these anyway?" Erica muttered to herself as she read the questionnaire. Nevertheless, she answered - "ears, none, never, 32B, straight, and I don't even know what that means," respectively - and ducked into a bathroom to change.
After changing, Erica returned to the woman with the questionnaire. She looked it over, snickered, and handed her a pair of Teva sandals. "You'll be wearing these," she told Erica, flatly.
Erica thought those sandals went out of style with the '90s but obliged.

The woman lit a cigarette, then exhaled without regard for Erica's personal space. "Good enough. Time for your makeup."
"No problem," Erica responded.

"Ummm, Miss, what are we shooting here? This makeup is caked on and doesn't really go with the bikini. And I don't know what's going on with these Tevas."
"You're right. We need to fix your hair."
Pangs of doubt crossed Erica's mind as the woman began to dye her beautiful blonde hair.

"Miss, will you answer my question? What are we shooting here? You're going to have to dye my hair back when we're done."
"Quiet, kid. The next model will be here in a week, and we have very specific instructions. OK, so now it's time for your septum--"
"--WHAT?? FUCK NO! This is seriously weird! I'm leaving!"
"If you leave, your contract is void and you get nothing. I thought you wanted to be a model?"
Erica paused. Models did have to put up with the whims of arbitrary and sometimes crazy clients, she had read. "Fine."
"Well look, if it helps, have some of this tea I've whipped up. It'll calm your nerves."
Erica took the mug and sipped it. There was a strong, but not unpleasant chemical tone to the taste. She quickly finished it and almost immediately felt relaxed. Uninhibited even.
The woman continued, "OK, let's do your septum."
Erica no longer felt any trepidation. "Let's do it!"

Erica found herself loving the new piercing, the hair, the makeup, and even the Tevas. "What a cute new look," she thought to herself.
"Now it's time to do something about that boring ass skin. I think you need some ink," the woman stated nonchalantly. Erica might have raised a ruckus about this request earlier, but at this moment, tattoos sounded like a good idea.
"Oh wait, you're still way too tan. We need to bleach your skin first or it will fuck up the tats."
"Makes sense," said Erica, who began to rub the pasty contents of a tube the woman handed her all over her body.

"Awesome," the woman stated. "Now, you're really starting to look like a sexy dyke."
"A sexy -- dyke?"
"Yeah, a dyke. Cause you like girls now."
"I do?"
"Yes. You only like girls. Not a straight bone in your body. You love eating pussy."
"But I have a boyfriend, and I never..."
"You *had* a boyfriend. Call him now and explain to him that you realized you're a dyke."
Erica found herself complying. As she dialed, she thought about all the fun she and he had had together, their future plans, how much she loved fucking him. When he answered, she casually explained that she couldn't be with him any more. She liked girls, she explained. Saying it out loud cinched it. Erica found her memories of heterosexual sex fading, replaced by lesbian fantasies. When he hung up abruptly, she nonchalantly put her phone away.
"Time for the tats yet?" she asked the woman.
"Sure. This will take a while. Smoke?" she asked, offering Erica the open end of her pack of cigarettes. Erica took one without hesitation and, moments later, was filling her virgin lungs with tobacco smoke. She instantly knew that, in addition to being a dyke, she was now also a smoker.
She sat down in the tattoo chair, cigarette in one hand. Hours, and roughly a carton later, she had a sexy sleeve on her right arm and a bold, unmistakable proclamation of her sexual orientation on her throat.

Erica was so proud of herself. She had gone from a boring, blonde, tan straight girl to a sexy, tattooed, raven-haired, goth dyke in one day!
"Tits. I need bigger tits. Pierced too." Erica told the woman.
"Well, it isn't on the list, but I tend to agree. Let me make a call."
Shortly thereafter, Erica was in an OR.
The woman next saw Erica a few days later, when she strolled into the building, eager to show off her progress.

"Wow, you've been busy!"
"Yeah, I needed to get some more tats, and then I needed to get my clit pierced, you know?"
"Sure, makes sense. You look awesome. BTW."
"Thanks! You're looking pretty hot yourself..."
"Thanks, but actually that brings me to the last thing we have to fix."
"Fantastic. What's up?"
"What do you think of those Tevas?"
"I kind of like them, actually. I've been wearing them all week. Saw some other chicks wearing them on campus, so I guess they're not totally out of style."
"Good. Now, what do you think of feet?"
"Have you ever had a sexual experience or fantasy involving feet before?"
"Umm... no..."
"Well now you have a huge foot fetish. You fantasize about women's feet all the time. You will do anything to suck a hot chick's toes or to have her suck yours. And you especially love Tevas."
The woman's instructions hit Erica like a ton of bricks. She...loved women's feet. She...fantasized about sucking women's toes. She had a huge foot fetish...
Erica had never been so wet before. Her eyes drifted to the woman's feet, clad in Tevas. The toe ring caught the light, sending a shiver down Erica's spine.
The woman took notice. "Go ahead."
Erica pounced on the woman's foot. She worshiped the toes, savoring the rubbery-sweaty taste on the bottoms. It was the hottest thing she had ever experienced.
"Now it's time to eat your first pussy, dyke."
She left the woman's feet (not without regret) and make her way between the woman's legs, noticing that the woman had on no underwear. Staring at her was a bald, pierced pussy (like her own), She couldn't control herself, diving right in.
While Erica serviced her, the woman grabbed her hair. "Oh god, so good. It's so good... not being straight any more..." She recalled being in Erica's position just a few weeks ago. Images of her life as a blonde, straight cheerleader passed through her mind. The transformation she had undergone made the one she had inflicted on Erica even more erotic. She came violently on Erica's mouth.
"You're going to need a haircut, but you're already a fantastic dyke. Can't really call you Erica any more, can we?"
"No way. Derek, from now on."
"Sweet. I'm Mason. I have a present for you." Mason reached down to Derek's foot and wriggled something onto the index toe. It was a toe ring, just like Mason's. "I fucking love it."
"I knew you would..."

The two shared a post-coital cigarette before Mason announced, "OK, so you're in charge now. We have another model coming by any minute. Everything you need to know is in this folder."
Mason dressed and left. Derek had barely put on some pants, a top, and her Tevas when some bubbly, tan, chestnut haired beauty came looking for her.
"Here's your questionnaire."
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