Wednesday, October 5, 2016

"It's a gig, right? 2", part 3


"I love that you're into feet now," Shelly said with a self-satisfied smirk.  She was seated on the sofa of the apartment she shared with her roommate Charli, who knelt on the floor facing her.  In Charli's hands was Shelly's pale bare foot, now adorned with a toe ring.  Her mouth was agape; Charlie was ready to stuff that foot in there as soon as the word was given.  Whatever misgivings she may once have had about feet were long gone.

"It's been torture, you know, these last few weeks, since Miss Derek, um, enlightened me."  Noticing her roommate's intense gaze on her foot, Shelly commanded, "Give me a foot massage."  Charli complied, with relish.

"Anyway, like I was saying, after I met Miss Derek, I knew I was a dyke.  All I wanted was to do was eat pussy.  I wanted to run through the streets yelling, 'I'm gay!'  But Miss Derek also explained that I wasn't ready for that yet.  Stick out your tongue."

Once Charli did, Shelly pulled her foot free of the massage, placed the heel on Charli's tongue, and ran the sole slowly down the length of the tongue, to the toes.  A moan escaped Charli's lips.  She fumbled with the button on her shorts before sliding a hand down and beginning to manipulate.

"You really are a foot slut now, aren't you?"

"Oh my god yes."

"And you love my feet?"

"Fuck yes!"

"Well if you're into women's feet, I think that makes you a lesbian, don't you?"

The realization dawned on Charli.  Of course Shelly was right - it made perfect sense.  She was sexually attracted to women.  "Yes..."

"And by that I mean, you are a total dyke.  No dick, ever again, unless it's a strap-on attached to another dyke, right?"

"Y-yes, of course!"  This made perfect sense as well.  All of Charli's heterosexual relationships were bullshit.  All women, from now on.

"Good.  Me too.  You may suck my toes now."

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