Eiko and Ryomi were surprised when they entered the studio one final time, only to see their old friend Caitlyn already sitting at one end of the sofa. She was wearing a black tank top and blue jeans, with shiny black boots. It was the same outfit, more or less, she had been wearing when she accosted Eiko in the street some time ago.
Eiko and Ryomi entered the camera shot and took their places on the sofa, as per usual.
"Good afternoon, Austraria," Eiko began, in her studied pidgin English. "Today is very special programme - rast one, in fact. We talk --"
"--This is where you fuckers make that goddamn show, isn't it?" Caitlyn interjected, without moving. "Oh my god what is going on? Who are you two and where are Elizabeth and Rachel?"
Ryomi shot Caitlyn a look. Recognizing that look, Caitlyn suddenly had the gravity of the situation thrust upon her. "Oh shit - it IS you two... What have they done to you??? You both look like Japs now!!!"
"Yes, that is correct. We are your hosts, Eiko and Ryomi, formerry the Austrarian models Erizabeth and Racher."

"This is so fucked up... We've known each other for years! You two used to say some of the most messed up things about the Japanese! They've changed you! I have to get out of here!" Caitlyn's muscles tensed, as though she was going to stand up, but she remained seated. "I can't move! What's happening?"
Eiko ignored her and continued. "The Japanese peoper were kind and generous enough to invite us to join them. We exprain today how you can join us, too."
Caitlyn, tears streaming from her eyes, protested again. "This is sick! You can't just destroy a whole culture like this!"
"Japanese curture has proven itself superior."
"Fuck me... this can't be happening..." Caitlyn was a mess. She couldn't move her body, but her face was flushed and her eyes bloodshot with anguish and fear.
"It okay. We herp you adjust." Eiko gestured to Debuko, standing offscreen in the studio. Debuko turned to her tablet and inputted some commands. The collar that hung discretely around Caitlyn's neck, an improved version of the ones fitted on Elizabeth, Rachel, and Caitlyn weeks ago, activated.
The change in Caitlyn's demeanor was almost immediate. Her tears vanished, and her face returned to its ordinary tone. Chiyami, off-screen with Debuko, handed her a tissue. Caitlyn blew her nose and compose herself.
After a moment, Eiko addressed her. "Feer better?"
"So much better, thank you!"
"Good." Eiko placed her legs outstretched on the low table in front of the sofa. The motion drew Caitlyn's attention. She couldn't avert her gaze from Eiko's sandal-clad feet. Irrespective of current trends in Australia, Caitlyn had stayed true to what she considered authentic Australian sensibilities. That meant she neither wore open-toed shoes nor thought highly of those who did. Nevertheless, at that moment, Caitlyn found herself captivated by her old friend's feet - their (sexy?) tan color; the (elegant?) long toes; the (breathtaking?) toenails, each bearing an immaculate French pedikyua; the (beautiful and trendy) Teva sandals...
Sensing Caitlyn's interest, Eiko flexed her toes. Caitlyn's breathing quickened. Eiko turned her right foot and used the sandal strap running atop it to scratch her left, The room soon smelled of Caitlyn's arousal.
It dawned on Caitlyn that something was affecting her thoughts, and she tried to fight it. She closed her eyes and concentrated hard, remembering how disgusting she thought feet were. Hell, she and her friends Rachel and Elizabeth had on several occasions made remarks to that effect to one another.
Her eyes still closed, Caitlyn felt something in her lap. She opened her eyes and immediately knew further resistance would be useless. Eiko had swung her left foot into Caitlyn's lap. The foot was so close that Elizabeth couldn't help but be ensorcelled by it. Finding she could move again, Caitlyn traced the foot with her hand, from the toe, across the strap and top, and to the ankle strap. She had never been so horny in her life. Her jaw lowered, and she prepared to envelope the gorgeous toes.
"Stop, gaijin," Eiko said before her erstwhile friend could begin to worship her foot. Caitlyn found that she couldn't help but comply.
"You rook stupid. No one wear boots any more. You wear sandals from now on."
Eiko was, of course, completely correct. Caitlyn looked at her boots with shame. Why had she fought against this trend so vehemently? Eiko and Ryomi's sandals looked so cool and comfy. When Ryomi produced a new pair of Teva sandals, Caitlyn was only too happy to abandon her prior convictions, to remove the boots and socks, and to strap her feet in. They were as amazing as she expected, and she'd be sure to correct the sock tan and lack of pedikyua as soon as she could.
With relish, she reached for Eiko's foot again.
"Solly, one more thing," Ryomi said as she handed Caitlyn a small silver object.
"Put this toe ring on Eiko." Caitlyn grasped the ring and joyfully began to comply.
"No, no. With your mouth."
A smile permeated Caitlyn's face as she popped the ring in her mouth. She maneuvered it with her tongue and finally, uninterrupted, began to worship her old friend's foot.
Months later, Chidzuko strolled out of the gaijin district of Ataraski-Kyoto, the city formerly known as Sydney. She had just had her weekly pedikyua done by some of the natives. Pathetic lot, she thought to herself - no prospects, scorned by the ruling Japanese class. No matter how well they spoke Japanese or how expensive a kimono they wore, they were ugly, an underclass. It made sense that they would perform menial tasks, like making the feet of their Japanese betters even more beautiful.
She walked down the newly-paved street, taking care not to let anything smudge her toes, still wet with aquamarine paint. She had a few hours to kill before her photoshoot, so she stopped for a sake. The gaijin who served her recognized her and, bowing respectfully, offered her the drink for free. She graciously accepted and sat at the bar to enjoy her drink.
Chidzuko reached down and adjusted the ankle strap of her sandal. These were among her favorite shoes - the straps were so thin that her feet were almost entirely visible, really making her toe rings stand out, and the four inch heels were among the most sensible in her wardrobe.
Chidzuko looked over from her high chair at the gaijin patronizing the bar. They, too, clearly recognized her, and viewed her with a mix of desire and envy. Chidzuko rolled her eyes and turned around.
Had it really just been a few months since she was a gaijin herself? She remembered her life as the Australian model Caitlyn, but that woman's values and interests were so different from hers, it was hard to reconcile the fact that Chidzuko was Caitlyn, transformed. Had she really protested the Japanese takeover of Australia? Had she really dug in against the changes to Australian culture the Japanese forces were imposing? Had she really refused to learn Japanese or to shed her Australian habits? Had she really resisted Japanese style? Chidzuko shook her head.
She had, indeed. Her resistance was broadcast all over the country. Indeed, she was probably the most famous dissident in the country. Of course, the salient point was that, while her resistance was broadcast on her friends Eiko and Ryomi's programme, it was followed immediately by her complete and utter submission. The nation watched as the voice speaking most loudly against the Japanese encroachment began singing a different tune. Though it was hard to sing, she thought, with a foot in your mouth.
Giving up on Australian values and norms was the right thing to do, she realized now. In every respect, the Japanese had a more harmonious and efficient culture, and they were right to insist that others adapt to them. It made sense that the physical characteristics connoting beauty would change as well, from blonde hair to black, from blue, round eyes to brown and almond-shaped, etc. - those characteristics were demonstrably more beautiful.
Chidzuko reflected with extreme gratitude on the mercy her friends Eiko, Ryomi, Debuko, and Chiyami had shown her. She didn't deserve their mercy, but they took a personal interest in helping her adjust to Japanese life. They assisted her in learning the language and un-learning English, they helped her redecorate her apartment in a more "preasing" manner, they took her for her first pedikyua, they took her tanning, and more.
And when they knew she was ready, they acquired some of the much sought-after hair dye and helped her rid herself of her gaijin blonde.
And finally, when Caitlyn had given way permanently to Chidzuko, when Chidzuko had truly internalized the superiority of the Japanese ways, and when Chidzuko had finally concluded that she was no longer gaijin, they arranged for her to have access to the machine that correct her blue, round eyes.
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