Elizabeth paced nervously in her apartment. Today, she and her friend Rachel would film the first installment of their television programme. It had been a week since the magnificence of Japanese culture - and the inferiority of the West - was brought to her attention, and this program was her opportunity to help her new Japanese friends explain the way things would work from now on.
Working off her nervous energy, she kneeled on the tatami in her living room. On the kotasu in front of her was some maki remaining from earlier in the day. She poked at it with her chopsticks before devouring the fish. She smiled wryly to herself. With the help of her new friends Debuko and Chiyami, she had redecorated her apartment in a more acceptably-Japanese manner. Her friends had also been invaluable in reorienting her palate and tastes. She never cared much for fish before, but after a gentle nudge from Debuko, she became a regular sushi and sashimi consumer.
A knock at the door alerted Elizabeth to Rachel's arrival for the prep session they had scheduled. Elizabeth answered the door.
"Kon'nichiwa!" said the bubbling Rachel, clearly excited for the programme to begin. She had straightened her hair in the day since the two saw each other. Elizabeth found herself a bit jealous over how the long, straight locks fell down on either side of Rachel's head, framing her face like a real on'nanoko. A beautiful black yukata covered in pink flowers hugged her body.
"Kon'nichiwa! Come in!"
In adherence to Japanese custom, she removed her Teva sandals before entering. The deep Teva tan that had already formed on her feet triggered another note of jealousy. Overall, Rachel had succeeded more fully than Elizabeth in advancing her caucasian skin tone toward a more olive note. Staring at her own bare feet, Elizabeth knew she had a ways to go to match her friend - they largely retained their pinkish hue.
Rachel entered and began issuing orders. "First sing, we do nails," she said in the broken English affect she had already adopted. Elizabeth and Rachel had spent time learning how to be adept nail technicians. It was made clear to them that working in a nail salon was a leading career choice for those not lucky enough to be Japanese. In addition to being practical, this new skill set had the added benefit of letting the Australian girls indulge their new foot fetishes.
Today, in advance of the programme taping, would be the first time either girl had gotten a pedikyua. Elizabeth understood that Rachel intended to be the first and saw no reason to contest the decision. She guided Rachel over to a chair. Once she was seated, Elizabeth placed Rachel's feet in a nearby bucket of water she had readied for the occasion.
The two conversed for a bit, while Rachel's feet soaked. They revealed that, as soon as the 24 hour curfew had been lifted, they each had broken up with their boyfriends. Australian men just were no longer attractive to them. Japanese cock or pussy only from now on, they resolved.
After a few minutes, Elizabeth removed Rachel's feet from the water, dried them with a towel, and used a pumice stone to exfoliate. As these feet had never received such treatment, the process took a while. In the end, Rachel's feet were left soft and smooth. Elizabeth grasped a file and, with the blunt side, gently pushed back the cuticles on Rachel's toes before beginning the process of clipping and filing her nails. This, too, took a while, but Elizabeth didn't mind. She had given dozens of pedicures to Japanese women and loved the transformation the feet she treated underwent. Rachel's feet were no different. In fact, they were looking pretty damn sexy, Elizabeth thought.
Once she finished shaping the nails, Elizabeth grasped Rachel's left foot and began to massage it lightly. A moan involuntarily escaped Rachel's lips, which drew Elizabeth's eyes to her friend's face. Many things raced through Elizabeth's mind - the way Rachel's now-straightened hair framed her face, the Japanese attire on her body, her tan complexion, her beautiful feet. Without a second thought, Elizabeth opened her mouth and inserted Rachel's index and middle toes.
Rachel's eyes popped wide. She leaned in, making eye contact with her friend, who was now running her tongue in between the toes in her mouth. "Fakku wai..." she said. Rachel had sucked many toes in the past few weeks but now knew, indellibly, that having her toes sucked was even better. And having them sucked by a blonde gaijin was better still. No wonder the Japanese women were so into it.
Elizabeth moved on to licking Rachel's sole, moving her mouth up the length of the foot, then sucking on the toes. Rachel undid the cloth belt holding her yukata on, then eased her hand between her legs. Minutes of foot worship and masturbation later, Rachel was on the verge of cumming.
Abruptly, Elizabeth stopped. "I have an awesome idea," she said, slyly. She dropped the foot and went behind the byobu in the living room. She came back with a vial of dark liquid. "I got this from Chiyami. She said to use it when I was ready. But I think you're ready, right now."
She helped Rachel to her feet, then moved the chair to the sink. Rachel sat and leaned back, lowering her head and hair into the sink. Elizabeth wet the hair, then began to apply the dark liquid. Wherever she applied the liquid, the light brown of Rachel's hair was banished, replaced with an onyx black. Minutes later, the dye had set.
Rachel stood. With her tawny skin, robe, and now her straight, black hair, she could pass for Japanese, at least aside from her round, blue eyes.
"You look so hot."
"Sank you! Come wiss me..." Elizabeth took Rachel's outstretched hand, and the two went into the bedroom.
Rachel lowered the lights and began to strip. "Call me Ryomi, OK?"
"Sure...Ryomi." Elizabeth looked with awe on her friend's naked body. She had never looked less Australian. She had also never looked hotter.
Ryomi lay on the bed and gestured for Elizabeth to join her. Elizabeth kneeled at the foot of the bed and opened her mouth to accept Ryomi's foot. After a few minutes of worship, Ryomi put her other foot behind Elizabeth's head and pulled her down, towards her pussy. The pussy glistened with Ryomi's excitement.
With the lights dimmed, Elizabeth was able to pretend that her friend was actually Japanese. With relish, she nestled her tongue in between Ryomi's folds and began to lick.
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