Elizabeth woke up with a start, a mess of black hair in her face. She had fallen asleep, just for a few minutes, intertwined with the naked body of her friend Ryomi, formerly known as Rachel. Ryomi turned over and smiled before moving in for a deep kiss, which Elizabeth returned with passion. Her friend was really getting the hang of this whole Japanese look, and Elizabeth found it very attractive.
Reluctantly, Elizabeth broke the kiss. They had to get ready and go to the studio, to film their programme. It was their chance to please their new Japanese friends, and Elizabeth wouldn't squander it.

They didn't have time to give Elizabeth a pedikyua; that would have to wait. She threw on a white yukata with leaves running up the side, and Ryomi likewise replaced her yukata. The girls then went to the doorway to retrieve their respective sandals. The sound of velcro tearing was followed by the girls sliding their feet into their Tevas and strapping in, then leaving out the front door.
The studio was down the street, a few blocks away. En route, the girls saw signs of the Japanese occupation - soldiers on patrol, Japanese men and women in business attire, ordering around Australians - as well as signs of early assimilation. Storefronts in the cosmopolitan district had replaced English signage with Japanese, restaurants that had previously sold Western fare had been repurposed into ramen houses or sushi restaurants. Elizabeth smiled as she thought about the rest of the country following suit.
As they walked, Elizabeth heard a voice from behind her. "Oh my god, Elizabeth is that you?"
Elizabeth turned around to see her old friend Caitlyn. Elizabeth hadn't seen her since she reacted negatively to the inducer collars Debuko's assistants had placed on them, way back when Elizabeth was first introduced to Japanese culture. Caitlyn was wearing a tank top, shorts, and running shoes. She appeared to be out for a jog. "And is that Rachel? Man - I didn't recognize you with your hair so dark!"
"Caitlyn! How are you?" Elizabeth asked.
"I'm fine - basically, I've been stuck in my apartment like everyone else since they took us to that place and put those collars on us. Honestly, it was pretty scary. We didn't hear anything about what was going on, and we didn't see anyone except when we were waiting in line for supplies. I was going a little stir crazy, too. Oh well, it's good to get out!"
"Yeah, it's good you get to walk around again. What happened to you when they took you away that day?"
"They said I was having a reaction to the collar," Caitlyn responded. "They said they would fix it and let me know. I don't know what that all means, and I'm trying not to think about it. What's going on with you guys? I like the new clothes, I guess. Sandals, really?"
Elizabeth stifled a laugh. Caitlyn had no idea the way things now were. "Umm, yeah. Actually, we have to run. We're working on this show. Filming the first episode today."
"Cool! TV has been totally out since the Japanese came. What's your show about?"
"...just watch it. You'll get it."
"OK, love you guys! Great seeing you!"
As Caitlyn jogged off, Ryomi turned to Elizabeth. They shared a knowing smile and laughed.
They arrived on time at the studio. Debuko and Chiyami were there to greet them.
Debuko wore a beautiful red, sleeveless dress, with a slit up the side reaching most of the way up her leg. Her deep black hair was pinned up. She looked especially gorgeous to Elizabeth. On her feet were black sandals, really just thin straps around the ankle and across the top of the toes, with heels that were at least eight centimetres. The pedikyua Elizabeth had given her earlier in the week was undisturbed, leaving Debuko's toes painted an unblemished, shiny black. Elizabeth then noticed that she had added a second toe ring, on the middle toe of her left foot, to the ring that previously adorned the adjacent index toe. It took all of Elizabeth's willpower not to drop to her knees and shove that ring-clad foot in her mouth.
Then Elizabeth noticed a change in Chiyami. Gone was the girly/sporty style she had previously rocked. Instead, she, too, wore a gown - hers was black, with slight straps over the shoulders. In lieu of her Tevas, she wore beautiful, strappy sandals, albeit ones with heels not quite as ambitious as Debuko's. Her feet still had deep Teva tan lines. Noticing Elizabeth's attention, Chiyami wiggled her toes, which still bore the white polish Ryomi had applied a few days earlier (back when she was known as Rachel). Like Debuko, she now wore a toe ring as well.
"Kon'nichiwa!" Debuko greeted the two Australian girls. "Rachel, I love your hair coloring!"
"Sanks, Debuko, but prease to core me Ryomi now."
Debuko and Chiyami turned to one another and giggled with their respective hands covering their mouths.
"Of course, Ryomi. Sat is a much preferaber name."
The Japanese women welcomed their Australian acolytes into the studio and explained what the programme would entail. The Australians, as perhaps the women who best met Australian beauty standards, would essentially broadcast their own acclimation to Japanese life, setting an example for the rest of the country. At the same time, the programme would be intended to reinforce the superiority of Japanese culture and the inferiority of Australia and the West.
And then, Elizabeth and Ryomi took their places on a large sofa set up for filming, and the lights went up.
The first episode was a blur. The two hostesses introduced themselves and the premise of the programme.
"We Australians thought that we were special, that there was a reason why Japan conquered the rest of the world besides us. Part of the reason we're here today is to help everyone understand that we were wrong. We aren't special. We're like the rest of the world," Elizabeth said.
"And what that really means is that now we have to act like the rest of the world. Japan wins because Japan works. It's time that we stopped thinking of ourselves as Australians and started thinking of ourselves as Japanese. We're going to explain what that means during our show, but hopefully, soon, we can all be part of a harmonious world order."
Ryomi then explained that the country would soon look and sound Japanese. She had already gone so far as to adopt a Japanese name and affect, and soon everyone would have the chance.
Adding to her friend's point, Elizabeth placed a Teva-clad foot on the table. She paused and adjusted her position in her chair and feeling the texture of her sandals on the soles of her feet and the thick straps running along the top. Two weeks earlier, she had been a typical Australian girl. Beautiful, by Australian standards. She had never worn open toed shoes in public before, even in her modeling gigs.
She remarked about how offensive her bare feet would be to Australian society. "Like most Australians, I had never worn anything like these, at least until a few weeks ago. It's a new world!" She reached her right foot and undid a strap around the top before redoing it more tightly. "Look, I know it will take some getting used to, but seriously, all of us, or at least all the women, are going to be wearing them very soon."
That comment brought Chiyami onto the set, standing next to the sofa. After introducing her as a mentor and role model, Elizabeth asked Chiyami to put her foot on the table as well.
Pointing at Chiyami's foot, in comparison with her own, Elizabeth said to the audience, "As you can see, having only started wearing sandals, my feet need some work. They're pink and badly in need of a pedikyua. On the other hand, look at Chiyami's beautiful foot - the sexy straps, the lovely tan. Ryomi and I painted these nails the other day. See how the white makes the tan really pop! And that toe ring..." Elizabeth trailed off, overcome with lust over the beautiful foot and the goddess to whom it belonged.
Chiyami understood intuitively. "Go ahead," she said tersely. She sat next to Elizabeth and turned her body to face the Australian girls. She placed one of her feet in each girl's hands. Elizabeth was pleased to see that Chiyami had given her the foot with a toe ring.
Without hesitation, Elizabeth and Ryomi each brought a sandaled foot to her mouth and began to worship the Japanese woman's toes.
The programme's cameras still tolling, Chiyami turned to the camera and spoke. "We help you rearn, Austraria."
Elizabeth signed off, her tongue gently massaging Chiyami's sole as the Japanese woman ran her foot alongside the Australian girl's face. "Change is good, Australia. Let's change together!"
As the cameras powered down, Chiyami removed her underwear. Elizabeth and Ryomi jostled for position, fighting for the right to service their Japanese friend. Eventually, Elizabeth succeeded in affixing her mouth to Chiyami's clit. Ryomi settled for a return to Chiyami's feet.
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